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Hacking (Projects)

Hacking is the art of repurposing, recombining, or reconstructing systems to obtain superior results to what they were originally designed to produce. From the publishing industry to plexiglass, hackers are taking over the world.

Here’s some projects I’ve worked on using this premise:
Cultivate serendipity – Ntwrkr analyses your connections to suggest ways to cultivate more value within your network.

Reputation Economics
Why who you know is worth more than what you have. Published by Macmillan. Learn more at the official site.

Crow Machine
A vending machine for crows – it autonomously trains them to pick up spare change in exchange for a peanut!

I actually do a fair amount of this but tend to only take work via word of mouth. Contact me for more info.

Hacking Work
My first business book, about how to hack your workplace to be more successful. Printed by Penguin. Learn more at the official site.

My first sci-fi novel, available for free under a CC license or via Amazon’s print-on-demand!

Publishing 2.0
Publishing 2.0 circumvents publishing houses entirely by maximizing the reputational ROI instead of book sales.

Green Roof Labs
A pre-fab, drop-in greenroof luxury garden apartment, reducing costs to the building, its inhabitants, and the civic infrastructure.

The Cherub Project
A micro-angel VC fund to utilize rapidly iterating prototypes to recombine IP and flexibly evolve technology solutions.

MicroMobile Ventures
An application platform with free training for its applications to create a virtuous cycle of education and employment.

Cat Toilet Training
Your guests don’t pee in a dirt box in the closet; neither should your cat.

Co-opting existing brands and creating massive opportunity for multiplatform content for pre-established audiences.

OMFGI Mobile Privacy Network
A concept piece for mesh-networked mobile devices to preserve privacy and intelligently assign permissions to your media.

The Black T-Shirt Project
Einstein had a closet full of matching suits – to save time and reduce cognitive overhead. This is my modern version.

An RSS-based API + SMS communication infrastructure to let you make their own mobile tools.

Hoodlüm – Bring out your music
A hoodie that pulses mini-LEDs in the hood in tune to your music.

Wearables’ Fashion Show
Wearable technology on super hot models. Geeks can be rockstars too!

Remote MD Program
This system allows MD to remotely use collaborative imagery with an EMT to provide support in an emergency situation.

Consumers Bite
Me vs AT&T – consumer justice *can* be done.

KCLS Mobile Library App
A netboot pda to allow library customers to find the books they want – without making stealing the device attractive.

A firewalled media center and file server designed for remote acces for updates, maintenance, and content delivery.

WiFi Network w/ Traffic Shaping
A write-protected disk running a firewall without a hard drive to create TOS shaping for a coffee shop owner – and me.

The Backdoor Project
An automatic webcam and electronic lock to allow me to be (virtually) home whenever the deliveries came.
